Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
keagungan sebuah cinta
apakah sebenarnya cinta itu,,,,,
apakah selalu berhubungan dengan sesuatu hal yang berbau romantis,,,
atau kekerasan pun bisa dianggap mengandung cinta,,,,
cinta diibaratkan bagai luasnya alam semesta yang tak dapat diperkirakan seberapa jauh jangkaun/cakupannya,,,
apakah kita benar2 mengerti apa arti cinta yang sebenarnya,,,seharusnya kita selalu menjaganya apabila kita memilikinya ,,,,
karena meskipun aku tak mengetahui apa artinya selama ini, aku merasa apabila aku didatangi oleh cinta perasaan ku slalu bahagia,,m,,
jangan khianati cintamu sayangi dan jaga apabila kau memeiliknya....
Rabu, 24 Juni 2009
Hobby Baru,,,
kebetulan dapat resep enak gua lupa dapat dari mana kemaren pas lagi iseng browsing di om google eh ternyata ada resep ayam goreng mentega,,,,
rasanya sih lumayan enak ,,,,,,
nih resepnya,
bahan :
ayam 1/2 ekor , lu sayat2 ,,,potong2 juga bisa
bawang putih 3 siung keprok lalu cincang
bombay stengh potong2
jahe 2 cm keprok lalu potong2
daun bawang , potong2
kecap manis 3 sndk mkn
kecap asin 1 sdk mkn
saus tiram 1 sndk mkn
cara membuat :
1. kalau mau enak ayamnya di rendam ma tomat campur raja rasa dulu yakh,,,,10 mnit (kalau mau lebih resep tuh bumbu masukkin aja di kulkas )
2. goreng ayam,,,samapai matang lalu taruh di saringan
3. selanjutnya , kita tumis bawang putih , dan bawang bombay,,,sama jahe,,,
4. kira2 udah layu,,,masukkin bumbu lainnya,,,,kalau kurang tambahin garam ama gula secukupnya,,,,bisa juga seeh pake msg,,,
5. trus tambahin daun bawang,,,
6. masukkin ayamnya , masak ampe meresap tuh bumbu ke ayam,,,
7. kalau udah ngerasa udah mateng tuh ayam matiin apinya,,,,tambahin jeruk nipis biar seger,,rrr,,,,( di jamin tambah enak )
saran :
kalau saya sih saya tambah kecap ikan , saos raja rasa , dan sedikit saus tape,,,,dan juga jahenya gag saya pake,,,,
Sakit banget sariawan kali ini
cuman itu kayaknya yang bisa gua katain sekarang ,,,, g mna nggak , ni sariawan sakit banget ,,, udah 4 hari belum sembuh2 ( T_T ) ,,, gua dah cba berbagai macam obat mulai dari yang modern ampe yang tradisional ,,, . Awalnya gua kira cuman biasa kugh lama2 malah nambah ke mana2 tambah gede lagi . gua obatin pake albothyl eh malah balik lagi tuh tambah gede pula,,,,,gua juga udah ngemut sirih lah ,,,,
tapi nih penyakit gak ilang2 ,,,,,
Jumat, 19 Juni 2009
L-ebih kenal
A-kan diriku
M-aka aku
M-anis untukmu
A-gar engkau
L-lebih tau
A-ku senantiasa
Rabu, 03 Juni 2009
WeW,,,,,,SOk MtIK
SUk nda trun sung2 spya swt nggawi ,,,
nnggit nda dikit lagi nah,,,,
mudhn puadi sung2 jdi swt ja mnta pncrhan,,,,,,.
npa byu salang bcbur-cbur,,,,,,,,,
tmbul kna suk msuk bk nee,,,,
tpi mun msuk bk brataan jua nang msukl,,,,....
kda nda ja srangan....
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009
kasihan regie
sakali ahndak minta maaf kda di maafkan puput ,,,,,( maksudanya putri r)
plang kasihan regie,,,
syukur ad arab wan sofwan mangawani,,,,,,,,,,,
Bzok Ulangan PKN
tugas biologi nda blum plang nah,,,,
jadwal esok :
kimia ( kda thu ad tgs pa )
olga ( pling main bsket plng )
pkn ( ul jerr )
biologi ( ngumpul tugas nah nda blum )
bgian nang handak masuk ipa suk bjur2 bljar lah tugas jangan kada di gawi,,,,
nang ips santay ja,,,,,,,
nang bahasa ( khusus kido ) guring ja sana
gbung yuks,,,,,,,,,

buat anak2 sepuluh tiga (x-3) smada bjm gbung yuks,,,,,
ada info terbaru nih buat tmen2 klas x-3 atau smada bjm yang pngn berbagi masuk aja ke situs ini yakh,,,,
salam hangat,,,,
Jumat, 17 April 2009
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Senin, 13 April 2009
bidvertiser,,,penghasil uang
BidVertiser adalah situs layanan iklan yang menyerupai Google Adsense (GA). Kalau GA banyak aturan yang kadang cukup berbelit-belit, Bidvertiser malah sebaliknya, cukup 4 aturan yang harus netter patuhi antara lain:
1. Dilarang klik iklan sendiri
2. Jangan menggunakan kata-kata di atas atau di bawah iklan yang ‘menarik’ orang untuk mengklik iklan
3. Tidak boleh menampilkan iklan Bidvertiser pada pop-up dan frame
4. Tidak boleh menampilkan iklan Bidvertiser pada situs illegal berbau seks, SARA, jualan obat telarang dan sejenisnya.
Keunggulan lain dari Bidvertiser adalah mereka sudah bisa membayar menggunakan Paypal dan minimum payment cuma $10 saja. Dan enaknya lagi, Bidvertiser sudah mendukung bahasa Indonesia, tidak seperti Adsense yang belum jelas kapan benar-benar akan mendukung bahasa Indonesia.
Keuntungan lainnya adalah Bidvertiser memiliki program referral, dimana tiap anggota yang mereferesikan netter lain, akan mendapatkan komisi. Komisinya cukup besar, karena rata-rata netter bisa mendapatkan nilai yang sama dengan apa yang referensi mereka dapatkan (nilainya antara $10 - $40).
klik di sini unutk gbung
apa kabar dunia ???
daripada dipakai bt yang aneh2 ajah,,,,
lebih baik di pakai buat ngasilin uang,,,,
bener gag tuh,,,,
sekarang saya pngn cri unag dengan cara sederhana aja dulu buat yang pengen thu tentang cara cari unag di internet hubungi saya yah saya pst akan bantu sebisa mungkin kugh,,,,
ingT syarat utama bisnis adalah jangn pntng menyerah,,,,
kalau kita mudah menyerah takkan menghasilkan apa2
sekian dari saya
terima kasih,...
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
rahasi kesil bisnis online
1. " Bisnis terbaik sepanjang masa"
2. " MLM 3x 3 , cara gampang jadi milyuner"
3. " Kami akan melakukannya semuanya untuk Anda, tugas anda adalah pergi ke Bank untuk mengambil komisi Anda"
4. " Berikan saya nomor kartu kredit Anda, dan biarkan saya yang mengurus semuanya."
5. " Hasilkan $10,000 dalam semalam, tanpa menggerakkan jari Anda."
Di atas adalah contoh-contoh iklan bombastis dan menyesatkan yang akhir-akhir ini banyak bermunculan.
Yang lebih mengherankan lagi, beberapa tawaran malah menyuruh anda untuk tidak usah berpikir, cukup transfer, dan wuss... rekening di bank Anda bertambah.
Ssssttt...!! saya berikan Anda rahasia kecil untuk sukses di internet..., Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah.....
Sebenarnya bisnis terbaik dan bisnis yang menghasilkan berasal dari pemikiran dan usaha Anda sendiri.
Banyak orang yang tidak mau berpikir, sepertinya berpikir adalah pekerjaan yang sangat berat sekali, berpikir juga bisa menghabiskan banyak waktu seharian. kebanyakan orang tidak mau melakukannya, mereka lebih suka bila orang lain saja yang berpikir.
Bila anda termasuk orang yang tidak mau berpikir dan melakukan usaha, maaf saja, internet dan bisnis online sepertinya bukan untuk Anda, Anda tidak akan menghasilkan uang sepeser pun tanpa berpikir dan melakukan usaha yang berarti.
Baru-baru ini saya menerima email complain yang kira-kira
isi nya seperti ini.
"Pak Zul,
Saya sampai sekarang belum menghasilkan uang sepeser pun dari internet , bisa beritahukan ke saya masalahnya di mana ? "
Lalu saya kirim email balasan. isi nya seperti ini :
" Halo,
- Boleh saya tahu alamat website nya ?
- Apakah Anda memasang iklan dan aktif promosikan produk yang Anda Jual ?
- Apakah sudah memiliki Mailing list sendiri ? "
Ketiga pertanyaan yang saya kirim mendapat jawaban yang sama, TIDAK.
Bagaimana mau menghasilkan penjualan bila website saja tidak punya ? , Bagaimana mau menghasilkan penjualan bila promosi saja tidak pernah ?
WAKE UP...!!! HELLO ???!!!
Bisnis Online itu sebenarnya hanya sulit di awal, dan membutuhkan kerja keras dan pemikiran ekstra di awal nya saja.
Inilah yang harus Anda lakukan :
1. Anda perlu memikirkan produk yang akan di Anda jual
2. Anda harus melakukan penelitian, apa yang kira-kira orang akan beli.
3. Anda harus memikirkan dimana tempat Anda beriklan.
Contoh :
- Bila Anda menjual Audio mobil, maka beriklan lah di tempat dimana ada banyak komunitas pemilik mobil berkumpul, misal di forum automotif, bengkel, dsb.
Pada awalnya memang berat, seperti yang saya bilang di atas kebanyakan orang tidak mau berpikir dan lebih suka mengambil cara instant, oleh sebab itu banyak sekali yang terjebak dengan iklan-iklan bombastis yang menyesatkan.
Tapi mau tidak mau, Anda harus berpikir bila serius ingin sukses di bisnis online.
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
sumber: http://www.semuaabisnis.com
Jumat, 10 April 2009
Kamis, 09 April 2009
trik download file di rapid share
klik start
trus masuk ke run
trus ketik “cmd” untuk masuk command prompt
atau Start - program - Accessories - command prompt
abis itu muncul tambilan dialog box hitam.
trus ketik ipconfig /flushdns
turs ketik ipconfig /release
trus ketik ipconfig /renew
jadi pas habis download dari rapid share langsung aja ketikkan perintah perintah diatas…. itu fungsinya untuk menghilangkan jejak….
setiap kali habis download ketik perintah2 diatas, abis download ketikk….lagi.dan seterusnya….jadi unlimited deh tanpa harus punya premium…
terus yang lainnya ,,,, adalah cara menambah kinerja browser simak lagi ya…
sumber: http://zakuti.blogspot.com
Trick Hack Billing Warnet
Sering kita ke warnet yang banyak mengunci berbagai akses seperti windows explorer tidak bisa dibuka,
klik kanan di desktop tidak bisa, klik kanan di folderpun tidak bisa...betapa sedihnyakan...
apalagi bagi saya yang telah terbiasa dengan shortcut windows xp, misalnya membuka windows explorer:
Win +E, membuka run: Win +R, mencari file di dalam harddisk Win +F, yang mana tombol Win terletak antara
tombol Ctrl dan tombol alt. ingin tahu caranya...nih silakan coba...
Sebenarnya cara ini telah lama saya coba dan ternyata berhasil (praktek di komputer sendiri dan beberapa warnet yang menggunakan billing explorer) Mohon maaf kepada pembuat Billing Explorer
==> Pertama Buka GPEdit.msc dulu
C:\Windows\System32\GPEdit.msc <-- double Click
------------------------------------------ start. ------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- GPEdit.msc ---------------------------------------
1. Jika Klik Kanan di Desktop tidak bisa
Masuk Ke GPEdit.msc
Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Desktop]
- Disable (Hide and disable all items on the desktop)
Jika MyComputer tidak ada
- Disable (Remove My Computer icon on the Desktop)
2. Jika Ingin mengubah properties pada taskbar start menu
masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Start Menu and Taskbar]
- Disable (Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings)
Jika Menu Run tidak muncul
- Disable (Remove Run menu from Start Menu)
Jika menu pada taskbar saat klik kanan tidak muncul
- Disable (Remove access to the context menus for the taskbar)
3. Apabila Control Panel tidak bisa di akses
Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel]
- Disable (Prohibit access to the Control Panel)
4. Jika Command Prompt tidak bisa di akses
Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System]
- Disable (Prevent access to the command prompt)
Jika Registry Editor tidak bisa di akses
- Disable (Prevent access to registry editing tools)
5. Jika Task Manager tidak bisa di akses
Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Ctrl+Alt+Del Options]
- Disable (Remove Task Manager)
6. Jika Folder Options pada Windows Explorer tidak muncul
Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Component/Windows Explorer]
- Disable (Remove these Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu)
Jika Windows Key tidak berfungsi
- Disable (Turn off Windows+X hotkeys)
--------------------------------------- GPEdit.msc ---------------------------------------
------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------
==> Setelah GPEdit.msc terbuka baru buka Registry Tools
C:\Windows\System32\regedit.exe <-- double Click
--- atau ---
C:\Windows\regedit.exe <-- double Click
------------------------------------------ start. ------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- Regedit. ---------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- Regedit. ---------------------------------------
------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------
==> Setelah regedit.exe terbuka baru ubah password administrator <-- (Ini yang di tunggu2x)
C:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc <-- double Click
------------------------------------------ start. ------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ Administrator. -------------------------------------
Pilih: - Computer Management (Local)/System Tools/Local Users and Groups/User
- Klik kanan Administrator -> Set Password
- Ketik New Password: **********
Confirm Password: **********
credit by jasakom
sumber: http://zakuti.blogspot.com
Rabu, 08 April 2009
Visit To Bali

Bali Island, the perfect holiday destination for all ages offers something for everyone. Bali offers not just various customs but also various "adrenalin pump" parks. Many exciting amusements are available in Bali, with something new opening all the time. The number of offshore and inland attraction are on the rise because many tourists want them. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. After white water rafting that has gained popularity in Bali, comes offshore rafting or ocean rafting. The more adventurous sort of amusement has now become an alternative sport for tourists. Meanwhile white water rafting is still a popular activity with trips on Ayung, Telaga Waja, Unda Rivers, etc. The tourists can refresh their mind by watching beautiful scenery along the route. Those are not enough, some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas.
Bali is small island, just 140 Km by 80 Km and lies between Java, the most highly populated and influential of all the islands, and Lombok, one of the quieter and moderately slower paced islands. Like many islands, Bali has developed a world of its own. It not only captures what is special about Indonesia but also has a uniqueness of its own.
Orang Utan on its brink of extinction

The species of orang utan Indonesia (Pongo Pygmaeus/Abelii ) might disappear in the next one or two decades if the Indonesian government failed to give serious attention toward the threat against its habitat, a non-governmental organization executive said on Thursday.
"Besides forest fire and illegal logging, the land clearance at the orangutan`s habitat for palm oil plantation is also a serious threat for the habitat`s existence," executive director of the foundation saving for the Borneo`s Orangutan, Aldrianto Priadjati said.
He added the opening of the new palm oil plantation so far has to be done by clear cutting toward the trees in the land to be the site for the plantation.
"Strong effort from all parties, mainly the legal apparatus and the provincial administration is needed to save the species from the extinction because they have the authority to ban the land clearance for palm oil that threats the habitat of the orangutan," he added.
He said Asia would be in a great loss if orangutans no longer exists in Indonesia as the species is the only great apes in the continent and there are still many that might be learned from it.
The other big apes, such as gorilla, simpanse (pan troglodytes ) and bonobo (pan paniscus ) are only found in the African Continent, he said.
Some 58,000 out of the 65,000 orangutan left in Indonesia are the Kalimantan`s orangutan (pongo pygmaeus ) while the other 7,000 are Sumatra`s orangutan (pongo abelii )
Rare Borneo leopard identified as new species
Genetic tests and pelt examinations have revealed that the animal, now called the Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), is as distinct from other clouded leopards that roam mainland Asia as lions are from panthers.

On the islands the clouded leopard is the top predator, preying on monkeys, deer, wild pigs and lizards, and has a crucial influence on the regional ecosystems. At their largest they reach just over 1m long, and for their size sport the largest canine teeth of the cat family. Their name comes from the mottled white patches that cover their skin.
Bukit Bangkirai a rainforest wonderland

Imagine an orchid forest with more than 45 different species including dancing and dragon scale varieties, sambas breeding deer, flying fox, short- and long-tailed macaque birds, wild boar and 40-meter-high, 150-year-old bangkirai trees.
A forestry student's dream come true and a native bird-watcher's paradise. And now it's accessible to those of us without hiking boots.
This is one of the world's most beautiful virgin conservation forests -- and it is at Jakarta's front door, in East Kalimantan.
It is the Bukit Bangkirai forest and conservation parkland, located in Samboja district, Kutai Kartanegara regency.
There are three roads that lead to this incredible 1,500-hectare wonderland as well as wide-ranging accommodation to suit just about anyone.
Bukit Bangkirai forest is internationally recognized yet still one of Indonesia's best kept tourism secrets.
6 Things About Dayaks, the Fearsome Head-Hunters

The Dayak people represent a group of Proto-Malayans inhabiting the inner part of Borneo (the largest Indonesian island). They are related with the Batak of northern Sumatra, Igorrote of Philippines, and various tribes of Timor, Celebes, Sumatra and Moluccas.
During their history, the Dayaks experienced many external influences, especially of Hinduism, a religion that many ethnic groups of Borneo converted to. Still, Dayaks are highly conservative, and each village is organized in clans composed of various families that admit the authority of a sole chief; this structure allows a tight collaboration in field labor and other collective works. During the harvesting period, festivities accompanied by dances are kept.
Dayaks usually make their villages on the banks of the rivers and lakes. They make branch huts. The large houses are destined to host a whole clan.
Dayaks worship a superhuman power, called semangat, that rules the lives of humans, animals and plants. This invisible life force dwells many places: all the human body parts, cut hair, shadows, names, the water in which a human or animal bathed, traces imprinted in the mud...
Like all Proto-Malayans, Dayaks are a mix between Mongoloids and Asian Blacks, with the predominant genetic background being Mongoloid (the situation is inverse on the coast of New Guinea or Melanesia).
Men are assigned to four classes: children, teenagers, young men and old men. Each class has specific tasks. Young men are before all warriors that have to defend the village against neighboring tribes. When defeating the enemy, Dayaks beheaded them and preserved their heads as trophies in the communal houses. That's why they inspired dread amongst other people, being famous as "head-hunters".
Dayaks use machetes during their journeys through the jungle. They use blowpipes and envenomed darts for hunting small game and birds. Only Proto-Malayans and some tribes of Amazonia are known to use this weapon.
Rare Leopard Spotted In Indonesia

Images of a clouded leopard spotted in Borneo's Sebangua National Park have researchers scratching their heads, since cats have not been caught there before.
Researchers say motion-activated cameras have captured amazing images of the leopards' presence, which they say proves the need to protect the region's habitat.
The National Park is one of the world's largest deep peat-swap forests. However, it’s at risk from illegal logging and forest fires.
The recorded images are helping a team of scientists identify what big cat species are found in the area.
"The Bornean clouded leopard is a top priority for our program," said Professor David Macdonald, director of Oxford University's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, which is part of the Sebangau Felid Project.
"We are very excited by this evidence that they occur at Sebangau - a great deal remains to be discovered about these beautiful felids, which are a flagship for conservation in South-East Asia."
Tarakan island looks to Bali for its tourism development
The Bali Tourism Board (BTB) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tarakan municipality administration to increase awareness of the island as a tourist destination, including by advertising the location in Bali's promotional forays, such as websites, road shows and in brochures.
"The potential for tourism in Tarakan may well complement Bali's tourism industry and other tourism spots in Indonesia," BTB spokesperson Sang Putu Subaya told The Jakarta Post during a visit to Tarakan.
"The more varied and numerous our offers, the more interested tourists become in visiting Indonesia," he said.
Tarakan is approximately a third the size of Singapore and is home to 180,000 year rounders.
The slogan "Little Singapore", which was pushed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during his visit to Tarakan, derives from the island's original function as a transit point for people entering and exiting Indonesia.
Tarakan's municipal administration has imposed some of Singapore's stringent hygiene regulations, including a strict waste-disposal system that requires that residents separate organic from inorganic garbage.
The island last year won the Adipura award for excellence in environmental management.
Tarakan island looks to Bali for its tourism development
The Bali Tourism Board (BTB) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tarakan municipality administration to increase awareness of the island as a tourist destination, including by advertising the location in Bali's promotional forays, such as websites, road shows and in brochures.
"The potential for tourism in Tarakan may well complement Bali's tourism industry and other tourism spots in Indonesia," BTB spokesperson Sang Putu Subaya told The Jakarta Post during a visit to Tarakan.
"The more varied and numerous our offers, the more interested tourists become in visiting Indonesia," he said.
Tarakan is approximately a third the size of Singapore and is home to 180,000 year rounders.
The slogan "Little Singapore", which was pushed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during his visit to Tarakan, derives from the island's original function as a transit point for people entering and exiting Indonesia.
Tarakan's municipal administration has imposed some of Singapore's stringent hygiene regulations, including a strict waste-disposal system that requires that residents separate organic from inorganic garbage.
The island last year won the Adipura award for excellence in environmental management.
Culture and Tourism Minister launches Balinese culture study center
"The study center is expected to help study and collect the existing and developing positive aspects of Balinese culture," the Minister said.
Minister Wacik said Balinese culture has a lot of potential which could be further developed to help boost creative industries in the local economy by empowering the local communities.
With the launching of the Balinese culture study center, there are now seven centers devoted to the study of local cultures at seven universities across Indonesia.
widget2 pilihan di blog
1. MyBlogLog's Recent Readers – widget ini dapat dengan mudah digunakan di antara pemilik blog, dan bahkan popularitasnya dikelola untuk meyakinkan Yahoo agar membeli MyBlogLog. Widget ini memungkinkan Anda melihat avatar dari pengunjung baru ke blog Anda, merekapun juga diberi sajian untuk menjadi anggota MyBlogLog.
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11. Jaxtr – dengan Jaxtr, pengunjung dapat menghubungi Anda ke ponsel Anda, dan nomor yang tetap terlindungi.
12. LinkedInABox – pamer link yang masuk ke profil Anda. Sanat sempurna untuk blog-blog personal.
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20. Leafletter – hampir sama dengan Bitty Browser, membuat website mini dan menanamkan ke dalam blog Anda.
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25. CheckPageRank – selain menampilkan PageRank, widget ini juga menunjukkan peringkat blog di Alexa.
26. BlinkxIt – menanamkan link ke video yang berhubungan langsung dengan website atau blog.
27. Skype button – menampilkan pengunjung online/offline pada blog.
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29. del.icio.us Tagometer – menampilkan berapa kali ada pengguna del.icio.us yang tersimpan pada halaman blog atau website.
30. del.icio.us Linkrolls - badge ini menampilkan bookmark terakhir Anda dari del.icio.us.
31. Timelines – ingin membuat akun waktu ? Tanpa harus melacak dari awal, Widget ini yang akan membantu Anda.
32. PollDaddy – PollDaddy memberikan polling blog/website, dan menampilkannya di blog.
33. Vizu –widget poling, kompatibel dengan semua platform utama blog.
34. AnswerTips – menampilkan definisi dari answers.com untuk berbagai hal di blog.
35. AnswerBoxes – member kesempatan pada pengunjung untuk memasukkan istilah dan mendapatkan definisi dari answers.com
36. Now Playing – berbagi playlist dengan isi dunia, dengan music player paling populer, termasuk Foobar, Winamp, iTunes dan lain-lain.
37. BuzzBoost – layar utama dari RSS feed pada situs web.
38. LibraryThing – pamer buku-buku terbaru yang telah dibaca.
39. Plaxo Address Book – memberikan kemudahan para pengunjung mencari buku favoritnya dalam blog.
40. AuctionAds – Widget yang menampilkan barang lelang di eBay, dan jika ada pembeli maka Anda akan dibayar.
41. aStore – mirip dengan AuctionAds, hanya ini dari Amazon. Membuat mini-toko di situs Anda dan menerima keuntungan apabila seseorang membeli item melalui toko Anda.
42. Plazes – menunjukkan lokasi saat ini dengan peta.
43. Stockalicious – menampilakan portofolio dalam lagu.
44. Giftspace – jika pengunjung bingung apa yang harus mereka berikan pada ULTAH kekasihnya, biarkan widget ini yang mengatasi.
45. MixMap – melihat posisi pengunjung di MySpace dalam sebuah peta.
sumber: http://jakabanda.blogspot
menambah kecepatan internet dengan windows
Untuk yang enggan menggunakan software untuk mendongkrak kecepatan koneksi internet yang paspasan, bisa melakukannya sendiri dengan mudah dan peningkatan kecepatannya juga akan terasa.
Pada dasarnya komputer windows sudah membatasi bandwidth koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya secara otomatis, jadi kalau ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tsb.
Caranya lakukan setting seperti cara dibawah ini:
Klik Start
Klik Run
Ketik gpedit.msc
kemudian klik Ok
Setelah masuk klik Administrative Templates
kemudian Klik Network
setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
Klik Apply,ok
Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputer
Sumber: http://triyanto.wordpress.com/
Selamat Mencoba ...
Selasa, 07 April 2009
teknik mempercepat akses firefox
nih caranya :
1. Aktifkan browser Firefox-3.0 Anda dan ketikkan perintah “about:config” (tanpa tanda kutip), di address barnya.
2. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman konfigurasi Firefox-3.0. Kalau ada peringatan untuk hati-hati mengubah pengaturan pada halaman tersebut, klik yes atau ok saja.
3. Pada filter search bar di halaman konfigurasi, ketikkan “network.http.pipelining”. Pastikan valuenya sudah diset dengan nilai “true”. Jika masih “false”, klik ganda untuk menjadikannya “true”.
4. Kembali ke filter search bar, ketikkan “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests”. Double klik pada opsi ini dan rubah nilainya (value) menjadi 8.
5. Kembali ke filter search bar, ketikkan “network.http.proxy.pipelining”, double klik untuk merubah valuenya menjadi ‘true’.
6. Kembali ke filter search bar, ketikkan “network.dns.disableIPv6″. Double klik untuk merubah nilainya menjadi ‘true’.
7. Klik kanan di halaman konfigurasi tersebut dimanapun terserah, pilih new –>boolean. Ketikkan “content.interrupt.parsing”pada popup windows yang muncul kemudian klik OK. Ketika prompt untuk pilihan muncul, pilih ‘true’.
8. Kembali klik kanan halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –> integer. Ketikkan “content.max.tokenizing.time”. Pada prompt value yang muncul masukkan nilai 2250000.
9. Kembali klik kanan halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –> integer. Ketikkan “content.notify.interval”. Masukkan nilai 750000 pada prompt value yang muncul.
10. Kembali klik kanan halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –> boolean. Ketikkan “content.notify.ontimer”. Pilih ‘true’ untuk isian prompt value yang muncul.
11. Kembali klik kanan halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –> integer. Ketikkan “content.notify.backoffcount”. Pada prompt value yang muncul isikan value ‘5′.
12. Kembali klik kanan halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –> integer. Ketikkan “content.switch.threshold”. Isikan nilai 750000 pada prompt integer value yang muncul.
13. Terakhir, kembali klik kanan pada halaman konfigurasi, pilih new –>integer. Ketikkan “nglayout.initialpaint.delay”. Isikan nilai ‘0′ pada prompt isian nilai yang muncul.
Jangan Lupa Restart Firefox anda untuk melihat perbedaannya!
Selamat Mencoba, Semoga Bermanfaat ...
floating market on borneo

Muara Kuin on the Barito River, Banjarmasin is one of two floating markets in this planet. To experience Banjarmasin you must take to the river, either by “klotok“ (river bus), or a speedboat for longer trips. At this market we can buy many variuos fruits and vegetable. One of the fabulous character of this river tourism market is “jukung” or “klotok”. Jukung is the name of tradisional boat in Banjarmasin.
During five hundred years, the Kuin floating market being the favorite place in Banjarmasin. In 1526, Sultan Suryansah build the capital city of his kingdom at the side of the river. It was an old Kuin. However, Kuin have a strong historical relationship to the birth of Banjarmasin city. At this place, the live of Banjarmasin trading began.
T o have any exotic floating market experiences, we can also sail the river into Lok Bintan, another floating market in South Kalimantan. The market float at the Martapura River, Kabupeten Banjar. But, the Kuin market is most famous than Lok Bintan because of it more far location from Banjarmasin.
Ujung kulon national park

Ujung Kulon National Park is situated in the southern most tip of Java. It comprises of Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands and embraces the natural reserve of Krakatoa. Ujung Kulon National Park is home to several endangered plants and animals including Javan rhinoceros which is an endangered species. Ujung Kulon National Park spreads over 1,206 square kilometer most of which lies on a peninsula reaching into the Indian Ocean.
Description of Ujung Kulon National Park- Ujung Kulon National Park happens to be Indonesia’s first National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park has been declared as the
World Heritage Site in 1992 by UNESCO for housing the largest remaining lowland rainforest in Java. The main area of the Ujung Kulon National Park was formerly farmland. Ujung Kulon National Park was devastated and depopulated by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa. Permits for visiting the Ujung Kulon National Park are available at the town of Labuan. The office of the Ujung Kulon National Park is situated at Labaun itself. Another office is situated at Tamanjaya. Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the very few areas which offer a profile of sea shore to mountain top tropical vegetation. Besides, the Ujung Kulon National Park is home to 700 species of plant life.
Transport facilities for reaching Ujung Kulon National Park-
One can avail of the boat services to reach the Ujung Kulon National Park. One can also reach Ujung Kulon National Park by road via Panimbang to Sumur and Taman Jaya.
For more information on the Ujung Kulon National Park please contact at the following addresses-
Ujung Kulon National Park
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan 51
Caringin, Labuan 42264
Pandeglang, West Java
Sub Dit of National Park
Directorate of Nature Conservation
Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation
Ministry of Forestry
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 15
Bogor 16122, West Java
Senin, 06 April 2009
bali,,, dances

The Kecak dance is one of the most famous of Balinese dances. It is unusual because it has no musical accompaniment like many other Indonesian dances do, the rhythm of the dance is produced by the chanting 'monkey' chorus. Instead, a troupe of over 150 bare-chested men serve as the chorus, making a wondrous cacophony of synchronized "chak-achak-achak" clicking sounds while swaying their bodies and waving their hands .From that chanting noise of "Cak-cak-cak", then it gave the dance its name Kecak.
What makes the Kecak such a fascinating dance to watch are the fifty or so men in the checkered pants. They are both the choir and the props, providing the music for the story in a series of constant vocal chants that change with the mood of the actors. They don't sit still, either, they wave their arms to simulate fire, and reposition themselves around the stage to represent wind and fire, prison cells, and unseen hand of protection from the gods.
The dance is played in five acts and lasts roughly 45 minutes. It taken from the Hindu epic Ramayana, which tells the story of Prince Rama and his rescue of Princess Sita, who has been kidnapped by the evil King of Lanka, Rahwana and somehow with the help of the white monkey army, Rama rescues his wife and defeats the evil Rahwana.
Attending a Kecak recital is a must for any visitor to Bali. It is a wondrous experience, and a window into the musical and artistic culture that make the Balinese a special people
karapan sapi in madura

A very popular sport and spectacle, the bull races are held regularly at least twice a month during September through to October and generally start at 9am in the towns of Bangkalan, Sampang and Pameksan.
Madura Island is about a half hour ferry ride from Surabaya. Bull racing is enthralling and especially the annual races for the island championships which are usually held by the local administration after the harvest time in September or October. The finals are held in Pameksan.
danau toba in sumatra

Location :
* North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
* 2:21-2:56N, 98:26-99:15E; 905 m above sea level.
Lake Toba lies in the northern part of Barisan Mountain Range, which is volcanic and traverses Sumatra Island from northwest to southeast as its backbone.
The laketrough is surrounded by precipitous cliffs 400-1,200 m high. Based on the topographic feature and the wide distribution of volcanic ejecta around the lake, some geologists and valcanologists have considered it to be a giant caldera or cauldron.
The water surface of L. Toba is 905 m above sea level and about 1,100 km2 wide. The total area of the lake, including the areas of Samosir and Paradapur Islands, amounts to 1,780 km2. The mountains around the lake are called Batak Highlands. The only draining river from L. Toba, the Asahan, flows southeastwards dissecting the gentle slopes of the pyroclastic plateau.
Minggu, 05 April 2009
visit indonesia

Mount Merapi, Gunung Merapi in Indonesian language, is a conical volcano located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548. Its name means Mountain of Fire. It is very close to the city of Yogyakarta, and thousands of people live on the flanks of the volcano, with villages as high as 1700 m above sea level.
Although smoke can be seen emerging from the mountain top at least 300 days a year, several eruptions have caused fatalities. Hot gas from a large explosion killed 43 people in 1994, mostly in the town of Muntilan, west of the volcano. Another large eruption occurred in 2006, shortly before the Yogyakarta earthquake. In light of the hazards that Merapi poses to populated areas, it has been designated as one of the Decade Volcanoes.
this volcano view of merapi :
visit indonesia

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.[1] A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.
The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.
Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourteenth century decline of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam.[2] Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the then British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[3] Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction
Sabtu, 04 April 2009
Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
NiH CoNtoH sItUS YANg BIkiN DuiT nGALir
di sini lho bisa main transaksi jual beli saham2 dengan modal virtual lho,,,,
nanti di akhir babak peserta dengan nilai tertinggi akan mendapatkan $100
dan di transfer melalui paypal
di sini lho di suruh nebak fotokalau manang lumayan nih di kasih hadiah $10,bayarnya juga dari paypal.kapn lagi lho nebak dapat hadiah kira2 kalau rupiah 100.000 broo,,,
weh weh weh,,,,,,
sebenernya masih ada kira2 dua ratusan situs yang gue tahu klu minat nyari duit tinggal tanya aja ntar gue bantu,,,,,
misalnya lho mau nyari uang dibidang apa gitu gampang deh bro,,,,,,
mkanya post dunkz,,,,
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
mau kaya kan
Butuh penghasilan tambahan?
Jangan khawatir! Saya punya solusinya!
Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini!
Apa Pun Latar Belakang Pendidikan dan Pekerjaan Anda
Anda Akan Kami BIMBING Menghasilkan Uang Melimpah dari Internet
Walaupun Anda Orang Yg baru mengenal Internet Sekalipun
Bisa Dijalankan Di Rumah/Kantor/Warnet
Buatlah akum libertyreserve dan bermain di getgold.biz
Anda akan mendapatkan uang tambahan yang melimpah
Klik untuk mendaftar jika anda tidak mempunyai akun libertyreserve :
Klik disini untuk mengetahui penjelasan cara membuat account, mengisi dan mencairkan Libertyreserve atau
akses http://www.lembah.com/lr.htm
dan untuk masuk ke permainan klik :
Cara mendapatkan penghasilan 100 %
1. Pilih Nilai Bet/Amount sesuai yg anda inginkan (biasanya pilihannya mulai $0.5 s/d $256)
2. Pilih "head" atau pilih "tail".
3. Klik "Play now!"
4. Setelah tombol "Play Now!" di-klik, anda akan masuk pada layar pembayaran
Setelah proses pembayaran, klik ‘back to merchant’ dan anda akan tahu menang/win atau kalah/lose.
5. Jika kalah, bet lagi dengan jumlah dobel dari kekalahan. Gunakan pilihan yang sama dengan kekalahan sebelumnya.
Misal tadi kalah $1 dengan pilihan "head", maka sekarang bet $2 harus pilih "head"!
Dengan begitu, jika menang, anda tetap untung meski tadi sebelumnya kalah! Hitungannya jika menang, anda dapat 2,5x atau 250% (bet $2 dapat $5, untung $3 dikurangi $1(kekalahan sebelumnya) anda masih untung $2 !!!)
Jika menang, ulangi langkah ke-1 (Kemenangan langsung otomatis ditransfer ke rekening Libertyreserve anda saat itu juga!)
6. Selanjutnya anda bisa mengulang-ulang langkah ke-5
Anda bisa bermain sampai target anda tercapai misalnya $1000 sehari karena permainan ini tak ada batasan waktu alias buka 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu!
Ini detail detail dari langkah ke-5:
Counter | Bet | Win 250% | Lost |
1st | $0,5 | $1,25 | $0,5 |
2nd | $1 | $2,5 | $1 |
3rd | $2 | $5 | $2 |
4th | $4 | $10 | $4 |
5th | $8 | $20 | $8 |
6th | $16 | $40 | $16 |
7th | $32 | $80 | $32 |
8th | $64 | $160 | $64 |
Baiklah saya berikan contoh perhitungan keuntungan dari trik ini untuk memahami tabelnya.
Dengan trik ini, yang dicari adalah "untung". Tidak masalah jika misalnya anda kalah berturut-turut 5x dan hanya menang sekali. Anda tetap untung.
Contoh hitungannya begini:
Kalah 5x berturut-turut = $0,5+$1+$2+$4+$8 = $15,5
Lalu bet selanjutnya anda adalah $16(dobel/ganda dari kekalahan sebelumnya yaitu $8). Jika menang anda dapat = $40 (250% x $16 = $40)
Maka anda tetap untung = $40 - modal $16 - $15,5 =$8,5
Itu hitungan sebenarnya
Jadi setiap kali anda menang, anda untung $8,5 bahkan bisa lebih besar, tidak peduli berapa banyak anda kalah karena setiap 1x menang, kekalahan sebelumnya akan lunas oleh "hanya" sekali menang.
Jadi, anda bisa memilih "head" atau "tail" secara tetap 10x berturut-turut